Wrapped Human Body

Wrapped Human Body Artist Statement - Ashley Teagarden

        My artwork often takes a critical view of expectations of women in the household, and this piece is the same with the emphasis on Domesticity. Often referencing the visual style of popular thriller action films of our time, such as Terrifier, Kill Bill, and Natural Born Killers, my work emphasizes graphic visual elements that coincide to create a strong focal point. The focal points of my work often speak to the theme of the piece, and I have a tendency to create a feeling of loneliness or being empty by setting apart human figure from the environment around them. The consistency between all of my pieces is apparent, even through varying mediums and art styles. The graphic, bright, and frankly creepy feel of all of my pieces evokes a range of emotions from the viewer, whether it be a painting, sculpture or installation. Each of my pieces begin with the process of making a story that I create based on the theme that I want to display to my viewers. My stories can get very detailed, creating a personality and familial background for the characters in my pieces. From there I do research into a timeline that would affect my character(s) and begin to create an environment that they would be in that would make sense to my theme. Slowly, an image begins to form and the piece is created. Depending on the specific stories of each piece, some projects can extend over a variety of images while others can be simplified to one single picture.



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